About Us

The Medical Republic is a group of like minded doctors, journos and ‘old world’ publishers who would like to jazz up communication more for doctors as we move into a mobile social universe. Things are changing for healthcare professionals, change is hard, and we’d like to help. Sometimes that help is by poking and prodding in places people would prefer we wouldn’t. But that’s how things change sometimes.Ultimately, we’d love to make things better for community health by supporting ‘connected’ primary care givers and  empowering patients.

If that sounds a bit  like we do digital only, we still believe in the utility of print –  if it’s done the right way. And obviously that’s not the way it has been done for the last 30 years or so. Hence our fortnightly paper (I was careful not to say ‘news’ at the front of ‘paper’). It’s friendly, forward thinking and funnily enough it does a bit of news. Who’d have thought?

We have a mobile first digital platform. We’re all going mobile in some way or another via the cloud – even us healthcare professionals. Soon we think you will be doing a bit of work while watching your favourite HBO show. We might be wrong. The thing is, we are going to try to push your thinking, inform and educate about how you might take maximum advantage of the digital age – the way it should be.

Later, we want to do some interesting stuff on the patient side with our social analytics platform . But that’s a bit  later.

That’s a lot to try so we’ll need your help.

Please get involved.

Any ideas to Jeremy@medicalrepublic.com.au or linda@medicalrepublic.com.au

Or call Jeremy on 0405 128 867

Looking for an internship with The Medical Republic? Contact info@medicalrepublic.com.au