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Does the federal Minister for Health have much of a role in determining healthcare policy? You be the judge


Does the federal Minister for Health have much of a role in determining healthcare policy in Australia? You be the judge

“I understand for doctors that the GP freeze has been difficult and I appreciate their working with us. I have said to doctors that I want that freeze lifted as soon as possible but I appreciate that Finance and Treasury aren’t allowing me to do it just yet.”

Health Minister Sussan Ley, May 23

“The government has made a decision on this (rebate freeze) of which the minister is obviously a part of.”

Treasurer Scott Morrison, May 23

“She (Sussan Ley) has basically … admitted that health policy under the Turnbull government is all about cuts and about finding savings. It has got nothing to do with the health of this nation.”

Opposition Health Spokesperson Catherine King, May 23

“The reality is the freeze will end at some point, clearly… it will end when we judge it is affordable within the context of the health budget, that’s all that Sussan is saying – it’s common sense.”

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, May 23

“It’s the dollars deciding health policy, that’s been the way the whole way along. It’s clear they (the government) have no intention of lifting the freeze. You don’t extend it for two years in the budget if you’re working to lift it.”

Former AMA President Professor Brian Owler, May 23

“Labor always budgeted to not continue the freeze beyond July 1, 2014. That was a temporary freeze.”

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, May 19

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