Call me presumptuous, but there’s one thing I’m pretty sure you weren’t thinking when another medical publication arrived in your in-tray THis week, and that’s, “Just what I was waiting for, more reading matter and another website et al!”. So what is The Medical Republic and what’s in it for you and the profession? Launched […]
Call me presumptuous, but there’s one thing I’m pretty sure you weren’t thinking when another medical publication arrived in your in-tray THis week, and that’s, “Just what I was waiting for, more reading matter and another website et al!”.

So what is The Medical Republic and what’s in it for you and the profession?
Launched by a new, Australian independent media group comprising doctors, journalists and publishers, The Medical Republic is looking to the future.
Underpinning the venture is the understanding that in this time of digital and technical disruption, healthcare in this country is dragging the chain. Factors such as failing and disconnected systems, perverse incentives for quality care, and state-federal face-offs combine to let down health professionals and patients.
We believe the health of Australians can be enhanced by supported and connected primary care, patient empowerment, shared decision-making, enriched continuing professional medical education, and seamless information sharing in the wider healthcare system.
Our aim is to facilitate and advocate for this change, to celebrate generalism and foster quality general practice by provoking debate, sharing ideas and clinical knowledge and connecting like-minded practitioners.
If you think that sounds lofty, you’d be right! Unapologetically so. We’re thinking big while starting small with a beautifully designed fortnightly newspaper, a modern website where we hope you’ll make your own contributions, and a weekly newsletter.
To meet your needs, we need your help. We’ve done our research, but please talk to us. Let us know what you like and what you don’t like. Suggest issues and topics you’d like to see covered in our pages. Write an article ! Submit your own job, classified and events listings. Share your own thoughts and views.
Let the conversations begin.