Take our inkblot test and find out!
With hundreds of GPs now being fast-tracked into Australian posts, Professor Candid has devised a cunning Rorschach test to sort the wheat from the chaff.
But would you pass?
What do you see?

A) A butterfly
B) Two magpies
C) Your career soaring to new heights in rural Australia

A) A terrifying demon
B) The Professional Services Review
C) A coathanger

A) You glugging down a great big bendy bottle of wine after getting home from work
B) Where you see yourself in 10 years’ time
C) Some kind of ink stain

A) A crazed skeleton riding a penny farthing
B) An umbrella
C) Nup, I don’t see anything

A) Tits
B) Eyes
C) A pair of evil homonculi busily plotting the end of the world from their filthy amniotic sacs

A) Lord Vader
C) A cross section of the medulla oblongata

A) Donnie Darko
B) You don’t see anything but you do hear Gary Jules’ version of Mad World
C) The feeling you get when you realise you’ve spent your entire life pursuing the hollow dream of becoming a great doctor

A) Renal calyces
B) Evil cauliflower
C) The transverse section of the pons demonstrating the medial lemniscus and ponto-cerebellar fibres

A) A black circle
B) A black square
C) ’Tis a cold dark star that doth eclipse all that is good and true in the world

A) Yeah … Actually I’d rather not say
B) Ermm … it looks like a … yeah
C) A vagina, obviously
Congratulations! Whether you have answered mostly As, Bs or Cs you have failed.