Things that make us go … zzzzzzz

1 minute read

Having trouble getting a good night’s kip? Before reaching for the Stilnox, why not cuddle up to a Somnox instead?


Having trouble getting a good night’s kip? Before you reach for the Stilnox, how about cuddling up to a Somnox instead?

We have Dutch engineers to thank for this peanut-shaped, electronic pillow that claims to send you off to the “Land of Nod” quicker than listening to a lecture on contract law delivered by the sandman.

So what does it do? Well, the e-pillow will apparently track the speed of your breathing then respond by creating its own steady, rhythmic response which mimics your pattern – and before you know it, you’re crunching out the zeds.

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The pillow is still in the prototype phase, but the developers say they are also including sensors in the device to track the quality of your sleep and gather data so as to provide “customised” rhythmic responses through the night.


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